Jumping in to TCOTC with Both Feet and Four Paws!

We choose TCOTC before we had our puppy. I liked that the club was run by volunteers and had several options for training. Once getting our puppy we went to our first puppy class. There were several instructors that gave us different insights into training, being new dog owners and being able to ask questions. I heard about agility and heard that we could sign up for puppy agility. We signed up and I learned about doing setup for agility. I ‘jumped’ at the chance to meet other volunteers and learn more about the sport. I am in my second session with my BT (Border Terrier) and we are loving it! She is excited to go to class and our bond grows every week. TCOTC is a wonderful place for young or old. It is a good variety of owners, dogs and classes. I actually have seen more Border Terriers here then around town. Our puppy is always excited to see other BT’s!”

Puppy socialization was important as Una did not have any other litter-mates. She was born May 16, 2016. Maggie and I traveled to Scotland in September for a friends wedding. We are both Scottish and it was great seeing other BT (border terriers) there. We even saw one at the top of Ben Nevis (highest point in the UK). I now understand the environment that the terriers were bred to handle. So much fun! 

This is our first dog as adults and it was good to hear from other students about resources that we could use. Where to get treats, who to contact for grooming, or even a raw food diet. I learned that cheese is a wonderful motivator as a treat. Una loves coming to class and seeing her favorite instructors and all the wonderful treats they have.